Message from the President
On behalf of the Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, I welcome you to our official website. I am humbled to serve as the 13th President of the Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter. In the Chinese culture, the number thirteen represents “assured growth,” which embodies the vision I have for continuing the legacy of past chapter presidents and moving the chapter forward.
The Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter was chartered forty-four years ago by fourteen visionary trailblazers. Currently, the chapter has a membership of over one hundred talented and diverse, college educated women committed to ​
making a difference in the Vicksburg and Warren County areas. In this season, it is our goal to R.I.S.E. above accustomed limits as we work together to:
Refine collaborative partnerships
Intensify membership engagement
Sustain relevant programs
Enhance financial stability
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, is a private, not-for-profit organization, whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world, with a membership of more than 200,000 women in the United States and abroad dedicated to public service through our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.
Economic Development
Educational Development
International Awareness and Involvement
Physical and Mental Health
Political Awareness and Involvement
The Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter understands the strength in partnerships and collaboration. If you are a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and looking for a chapter to call home, we invite you to join us at a chapter meeting and/or chapter event. We will welcome you with a friendly smile and open arms. Community members, we welcome you to explore our website and let us know how we may be of service to you. You can contact us at
In His Service,
Elmira Ratliff, Ph.D.
President-Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter